The Talented Mr. Chu


Steven Chu, Nobelpreisträger und Barak Obama‘s Minister für Energie, hält an der Milliardenförderung für neue amerikansiche AKW‘s fest. Das ist das Thema meiner neuen Kolumne im Social Europe Journal:

No doubt, Mr. Chu, a trained physicist and noble prize winner, is a distinguished man. However, since the devastating earthquake and subsequent nuclear catastrophe hit Japan one is tempted to ask if the same could be said about the politician Steven Chu. It’s a concern that wouldn’t be all that troublesome, if he didn’t happened to be Secretary of Energy to President Barak Obama.
Since the partial meltdown of the reactor at the Three Mile Island plant in 1979, the U.S. hasn’t built a new nuclear power station. It’s a reality the Obama administration is planning to reverse. In his state of the union address, Obama championed nuclear power as a tool to reach his ambitious renewable energy goals. continue