Meine neue Kolumne im Social Europe Journal:
Writing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is beginning to get mind numbing.
18 years have passed since the signing of the Oslo Accords in the White House Rose Garden, and still no Palestinian state has been recognised. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of this epic drama is the fact that the intellectual groundwork for a political solution has long been made.
Proposals have been presented for virtually every detail of the dispute, from the “Clinton Parameters” concerning Jerusalem to questions such as water management in the West Bank. In other words: All parties involved know how a solution to the conflict could look.
It would be based on the 1967 borders, with some (maybe significant) territorial swaps, the Palestinian state would have to be partially demilitarised and the capital, Jerusalem, divided. Access to the holy places for every religious group would have to be guaranteed. read more
Abbas' Zionist Strategy
05.11.2011Themen: Außenpolitik, Demokratie, Naher Osten