Es ist bemerkenswert wie wenig wir noch immer über die politische Führung in Beijing wissen. Nachdem Vizepräsident Xi Jinping zum neuen stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der Militärkommission ernannt worden ist, scheint nun jeder über den Mann zu reden, der Chinas neuer Präsident werden soll. Dazu hier meine neue Kolumne im Social Europe Journal:
The Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Party is certainly not among the best-known institutions in the west, but it gained a lot of attention recently when China’s Vice President, Xi Jinping, became its vice chairman (a position also once held by Hu Jintao before he became President in 2002). After Xi outranked his rivals at the 17th Party Congress in 2007, most experts agree that China could witness a similar power-transition as in 2002, when President Jiang Zemin initiated an unprecedented peaceful leadership transition by stepping down for Hu Jintao. continue
Hu is Xi?
28.10.2010Themen: Außenpolitik, Demokratie, Sicherheitspolitik