Die Zukunft der Beziehungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa stehen im Mittelpunkt eines Vortrags, den ich an der Sophia University in Tokio halten werde:
For more than sixty years the common enemy of the Communist bloc bound the US and its European allies together, and leaders from both side of the Atlantic took this relationship for granted. Today there is criticism that President Obama shows no enthusiasm for the transatlantic relation and lacks emotional ties with Europe. But what sounds disappointing in the first place is nothing more than the consequence of NATO’s success. Europe’s security is no longer threatened. Instead of being nostalgic about the Cold-War-solidarity, the new situation should be seen as a chance. It opens the way for a necessary evaluation of structures and readjusting political priorities. The transatlantic relationship will not lose its importance, but it certainly needs a new foundation.
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From Indispensable to Neglectable? Europe and the United States *言語:英語(通訳なし) *事前申し込み不要
18.11.2010Themen: Außenpolitik, Demokratie, Europa, NATO, Sicherheitspolitik