Niels Annen on the Impact of the Financial Crisis on US Power in Asia


Am 27.11. werde ich an der Temple University Japan Campus in Tokio einen Vortrag über die Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise auf die U.S. Politik in Asien halten:

The current debate about the future of America’s position as a global power is dominated by a growing sense of decline. A skyrocketing federal deficit and slow economic growth has shaken the foreign policy community in Washington. While some predict the end of the American Century and the start of the Chinese Era, others think that changes will be far less dramatic. Since 9/11, the U.S. defence budget has increased 10% annually, but Secretary Gates himself recently proposed to cut his own budget, thus we will be likely to witness a smaller footprint of the U.S. in the world in the near future, though how this will affect Asia remains hard to predict.

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